Global Business Service Agency: legal services for business

Global Business Service Agency provides services in the field of tax optimization. Our experienced professionals help clients with the opening and maintenance of offshore companies and opening bank accounts. GBS Agency organizes and supports the work of companies on all continents.


Offshore registration is a new business opportunity that allows the entrepreneur not only to expand its activities at the international level, but also to reduce tax pressure by registering the company in the territory of a loyal economic and legal environment.

Offshore company registration: top-7 business benefits

  1. Depending on the choice of jurisdiction, the beneficiary is either completely exempt from tax liabilities or the influence of fiscal bodies decreases to the maximum.
  2. The time to open a new company on the territory of privileged zones is minimal – from 1 day to 1 week. This operational approach completely frees the business from long and unnecessary bureaucratic procrastination.
  3. The free choice of the organizational-legal form of activity allows the owner to choose the best one for the sphere of business without normative restrictions.
  4. Opening an offshore company is always accompanied by opening a bank account in the same country. A personal account outside the country of tax residency allows the entrepreneur to freely control, accumulate and multiply personal funds on preferential terms.
  5. Regardless of the country in which the company expands its business, from the moment the account is opened the company becomes a full-fledged physical or juridical subject of international law. For the businessperson it creates and maximum protection on the part of the state, and gives an opportunity to receive a residence permit.
  6. Requirements for companies in offshore jurisdictions are also very loyal: minimum package of documents, absence of annual audit or audit on simplified terms, reduced requirements for non-residents, etc.
  7. Complete confidentiality of the data about the owners of firms in most offshore companies.

In which country it is worth to open an offshore company

Today the list of preferential zones is so great that even an experienced entrepreneur may not immediately orient which jurisdiction to choose. Moreover, the dynamics of changes in legislative norms and requirements are so great that only narrow specialists will be able to suggest which conditions are better for business and which zone to choose.

Global Business Service Agency has chosen the best offshore zones for domestic business.

Rating of the most reliable and advantageous tax jurisdictions

UAE is a tax-free zone where the entrepreneur completely eliminates the obligation to deliver financial statements and other financial restrictions on offshore operations.

Seychelles is one of the most popular zones due to the simplified procedure of company registration, absence of taxes and complete confidentiality of information about the owner.

The territory of Belize is also considered to be one of the most attractive for business due to the simplified procedure of company opening and complete confidentiality of information about company operations.

Cayman Islands – a tax-free zone for a new business with a minimum deployment time – 1 day from the date of submission of the documentation.

New Zealand is a zero-tax jurisdiction and is popular among companies that open trusts or affiliates of large corporations to enter the market of another continent.

However, this is not a complete list of areas where it is possible to register an offshore company. Global Business Service Agency provides services of opening and management of firms in the territory of jurisdictions or tax-free states or jurisdictions in more than 30 offshore companies.

The areas with the most loyal legislation include:

  • Hong Kong as the leader of financial markets;
  • Malta, where benefits apply only to taxes and do not deal entirely with business conditions that are sufficiently stringent;
  • England as the center of economic development of Europe;
  • Switzerland as the banking backbone of the entire business;
  • Singapore, where there are advantageous tax rates, and favorable conditions for hiring workers.

What to pay attention to when opening a company

  • Tax Rates. In most jurisdictions, there is a double tax avoidance agreement or a zero rate on contribution. However, there are a number of territories where the interest on contributions varies depending on the scope and business conditions.
  • Licensing activities. In a number of zones, there are restrictions on licensing of certain areas of activity, privileged only for residents of the country.
  • Intellectual property and investment management. Special attention should be paid to the peculiarities of trademark registration, copyright and royalty planning.
  • Labor law and the nuances of hiring a labor force. Where there are restrictions on hiring non-residents and who can be a nominee director.
  • Incentives for the opening of certain types of firms, the presence of niche markets.
  • Audit and reporting of the company.
  • Cost of deployment and doing business.
  • Confidentiality and non-disclosure of personal information of the beneficiary.

Of course, the comprehensive analysis and monitoring of business conditions in the offshore area is a very laborious and complicated process. Therefore, you can always use the help of financial and legal specialists of GBS Agency. We will recommend you the optimal area of business in the offshore, as well as help with the opening, formation of apostilled package, and regular reporting. The cost of the package – from 1000 USD for the whole package of services. The minimum registration period is 1 day for the purchase of a valid business and 2 days for opening a new company.

You will feel all possibilities of entering the international economic arena tomorrow with us! Ask for a consultation right now!