Global Business Service Agency: legal services for business
Global Business Service Agency provides services in the field of tax optimization. Our experienced professionals help clients with the opening and maintenance of offshore companies and opening bank accounts. GBS Agency organizes and supports the work of companies on all continents.
Italy is an influential member of G7, EU, OECD, UN and NATO. In 2018, Italy is among the top 10 largest economies in the world according to the International Monetary Fund. The country achieved such a confident figure at the expense of the developed sector of Agriculture (the 1st place in the world in terms of volumes of citrus, grain, grapes), mechanical engineering, petrochemical and light industry. Thanks to such confident indicators, any international business aspires to open a company in Italy.
Company registration in Italy: nuances of jurisdiction
- The jurisdiction has a wide range of business forms: SRL, SNC, SAS, SRLs. However, for international corporations the most attractive is a limited liability company (SRL) and a team partnership (SAS).
- Owners and founders of business in Italy can expect to get a residence permit and citizenship of the country.
- The country has a territorial system of taxation for non-resident companies, so new firms can expect tax benefits in connection with the signing by Italy of more than 100 agreements for the avoidance of double taxation.
- Belarusians – entrepreneurs have the right not to pay taxes, in case they can prove that they do not form any business-structure, and conduct activity independently.
- VAT, banking, medical, insurance and gambling goods/services are not subject to tax on the territory of the State.
- Base rates of fiscal fees:
- Income tax for individuals – 23 – 43%;
- Income tax for legal entities – 24% + Production regional tax (about 3.9%);
- VAT – 21%;
- Capital gains tax is already included in the income tax;
- Tax at the source – 10-20%;
- Duty – € 200 – 2000 $;
- Stamp duty – 1.5%.
- All companies of the jurisdiction are obliged to submit the financial statements annually and the VAT report quarterly. The annual reporting includes the profit and loss statement, the balance sheet, and the report on additional news. For small Companies, an abbreviated summary of reports is installed.

How to open a business in Italy: rules of registration
Staff structure
To register a non-resident company will require at least one shareholder and director, regardless of residency (allowed participation of legal entities). Board meetings and shareholder fees can be held anywhere in the world with mandatory protocol formation. The data on the beneficiary and the founders are disclosed in the Italian register of companies.
Authorized capital
There are no requirements for the size of the statutory fund and its payment in the country. It should be noted that all non-resident companies are prohibited to issue shares without face value and bearer.
Minimum package of documents:
- Notarized application;
- Certificate of registration;
- Tax payer number;
- Memorandum of association;
- Statute.
The cost of company registration in Italy is from €6500. For the services of nominal service and a package of apostilled documentation, check with the specialists of GBS Agency! Open Business with us!