Global Business Service Agency: legal services for business
Global Business Service Agency provides services in the field of tax optimization. Our experienced professionals help clients with the opening and maintenance of offshore companies and opening bank accounts. GBS Agency organizes and supports the work of companies on all continents.
In 2018, France is ranked among the top 3 in terms of foreign direct investment in Europe. In summary, about 800 new companies with foreign investments were opened last year, which is 30% more than in the past. Research and development as well as export are considered priority areas for incorporations, which allows investors to significantly increase capital in the Jurisdiction. That is why to open a company in France today is a competent accumulation of funds, successful business and new development horizons.
Why should you open a business in France
- France is a leader (along with the United States and Germany) in terms of the number of innovations in business: today the largest research centers of the world are located in the jurisdiction, and every year France is among the top states by the number of registered patents.
- Due to the successful territorial location, the state is a priority for the opening of tourist, restaurant, logistics and information business (over the last 3 years the total volume of investments in these areas increased by 25%).
- Almost 73% of foreign investors mark the jurisdiction as the best for conducting business on criteria of qualification of personnel, availability of resources, state support, prices for utility Services.
- Jurisdiction is recognized as the most "generous" in terms of opportunities for business immigration and obtaining a residence permit for foreign investors.
- New firms in the country can rely on benefits and subsidies, if business is involved in exports outside the EU, manufacturing industry, import substitution or new technologies.
Peculiarities of doing business in the jurisdiction:
- Corporate tax – 33.33% (additional 3.3% or 5% with an increase in profits more than €763 thousand and turnover of more than €250 Million) or 15% (for companies with an income of up to €38 thousand). Reconstructed trade and industrial enterprises receive benefits for 5 years, where in the first 2 years for the company are tax-exempt period;
- The source tax is 25% (not charged if the company is registered in the EU countries);
- Capital gains tax – 37%;
- VAT– 23%;
- The tax on dividends (incoming) — is paid at the general rate of income tax. However, in case the share of shares of the participant is less than 5% (2 or more years) – up to 95% of profit is exempt from tax;
- Royalty tax – paid at the general rate of income tax;
- Dividend tax – 0-30% depending on the beneficiary residence in the EU countries.
Financial statements:
The audit of the tax auditor and the financial statements are required only for companies whose staff consists of 50 or more employees, or turnover – more than €3 mln (net assets – over €1.5 million).
Company registration in France: general regulations
Anonymous companies and limited liability companies are considered to be the most advantageous organizational and legal forms for Incorporation.
A minimum of 7 founders and 7 third party shareholders will be required to open an anonymous company. Participants can have any residency and act as individuals and legal entities. The meeting of participants of the company should be held at least once a year.
The authorized capital of an anonymous company should be not less than €37 thousand — for closed companies without subscription, and €225, 000 — for public companies.
To register a limited liability company, you will need at least one shareholder and director, regardless of residence and form of management. The statutory fund of such a company is only €1.
Minimum package of documents:
- Data on the beneficiary, the founders, the manager;
- Charter of the company;
- Resolution on the appointment of the manager or director;
- Confirmation of the assumption of the position of the manager;
- Application to the registration chamber;
- Receipt of payment of duty.
The minimum package of documents varies depending on the sphere of economy and asset.
The cost of opening the company with the help of specialists GBS Agency – from €2000.
Still have questions? We will tell you about the conditions of doing business for your sphere of activity for free! Ask for a consultation right now!